Health and Safety
In order to ensure the health and safety of the children in our care and of the Global Child Care Center staff we will enforce the following rules:
Temperatures will be taken for all providers and children whenever they enter the Center. If temperature is above 102°F or if a child or staff member displays standard Covid-19 symptoms then the child or staff member won’t be allowed in the Center.
All caregivers working at the Center will have masks on for their entire shift. Masks may only be removed when eating meals.
Curbside drop-off and pickup only. For the safety of our children and caregivers, only Center staff will escort children into and out of the building. Children will only be released to authorized parents or guardians. Only children who are clients of the Center and Center staff members will be allowed in the building.
In order to minimize transmission of communicable diseases such as Covid-19 within the Center all children will be kept with the same group each day, with no cross-over between groups.
The Center will perform a daily cleaning in order to sanitize toys, play equipment and high-contact surfaces such as chairs, desks and door handles. For children using our overnight services all sleep mats and cots will be likewise sanitized regularly. The kitchen and dining room areas will likewise be kept clean and sanitized. The Center will us only disposal/one-time-use utensils, plates, cups, etc. In general a concerted effort will be made to maintain a clean facility.